Telegram Premium Provides Major Features

Telegram Premium Provides Major Features

The instant messaging company has finally made Telegram Premium official by announcing the name of the service, the features you’ll get, and the cost to access them. The good news is that there are some noteworthy features, but getting them will cost you more money than you had anticipated.

Since CEO Pavel Durov revealed Telegram Premium earlier this month, we have been anticipating its official announcement. In a recent blog post, Telegram announced that the service has officially surpassed the 700 million user mark, thereby confirming everything.

Even if that is wonderful, the only thing here that is of actual concern is the new Telegram Premium subscription. We now know for sure that it will cost $4.99 a month or the equivalent in your country; in the UK, it works out to £4.99 per month, which may be more than you had anticipated. But since that was the price that had been mentioned throughout the previous few weeks, we should have probably anticipated it.

Fortunately, depending on how you use Telegram, the features you’ll acquire might end up being worthwhile. Support for 4GB file uploads is at the top of the list, and Telegram claims that downloading files will now be faster than ever, occurring “as soon as your network can keep up.”

Additionally, Telegram has confirmed that various restrictions—including those on channels, chat folders, and more—will be doubled.

Increased restrictions are available to premium customers for practically all app features. With Premium, you can store up to 10 favorite stickers, follow up to 1000 channels, make up to 20 chat folders with a maximum of 200 chats each, add a fourth account to any Telegram app, and pin up to 10 talks to the main list.

Additionally, we provide premium stickers, one-of-a-kind reactions, voice-to-text conversion, and more. To signify that they are a fully paid-up club member, Telegram Premium subscribers will even receive a small badge next to their name. You can utilize one of a few premium app icons for your Home Screen, and there are many other benefits included with the subscription. You won’t see any advertisements. In terms of completing its purpose without being unduly fussy, Telegram already provided one of the greatest iPhone icons, and the additional enhancements are a little flashier than the default.

A similar explainer is also available in-app. You can learn all about what Telegram Premium has to offer in the Telegram announcement post.

Although $4.99 a month is not inexpensive, it can be worthwhile for frequent Telegram users. Maybe just pass on this one if that’s not you.